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スーパー コピー メンズ:雪がすごすぎて前が見えないって英語でなんて言うの?

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2019/02/04 10:16
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  • whiteout

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  • The snow is so bad, I can't see in front of me.

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  • There's so much snow that I can't see (anything)!

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「whiteout」の意味は「雪のせいで何も見えずに真っ白になった」です。英文で使うと「It's a whiteout!」と簡単に言えます。「雪がすごすぎて前が見えない」を直接翻訳したら、「The snow is so bad, I can't see in front of me.」他は「There's so much snow that I can't see anything!」この場合の違いは「全く見えない」(can't see anything)の意味が付けました。
  • It was snowing so hard I couldn't see an inch in front of me.

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  • The snow was coming down so hard I could hardly see a foot in front of me.

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どちらも「雪がすごすぎて前が見えなかった。」という意味です。1) It was snowing so hard I couldn't see an inch in front of me.I couldn't see an inch in front of me. で「1インチ先も見えない」となり「前が全然見えない」というニュアンスになります。2) The snow was coming down so hard I could hardly see a foot in front of me.I could hardly see a foot in front of me. で「1フット先もほとんど見えない」となり「前が全然見えない」というニュアンスになります。「雪が激しく降っている」はIt was snowing so hardThe snow was coming down so hardThe snow was blowing so hardなどと言えます。ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • It was snowing so hard i could not see in front of me

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  • There was so much snow i couldn't see a thing

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When it snows alot then you can say it was 'snowing hard' or 'there was so much snow' this falls so much that you can sometimes not see anything in front of you as it looks all white with the snow
たくさん雪が降ることを言いたいときは、 'snowing hard' や 'there was so much snow'というフレーズがぴったりです。 これは、雪で真っ白になり前が見えないくらい雪が降っているということです。
Mia St vntkg英会話講師
  • "There was so much snow you couldn't see a thing ahead."

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  • "It was snowing so intensely, we could barely see the road in front of us."

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  • "We couldn't see a thing because of all the snowfall."

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"There was so much snow you couldn't see a thing ahead" describes to the reader/listener that the snowfall was so extreme and led to difficulty seeing ahead. "It was snowing so intensely, we could barely see the road in front of us" is a similar example sentence and again highlights how extreme the snowfall was and that is was causing a lot of trouble when looking out ahead, particularly to the road, while driving. "We couldn't see a thing because of all the snowfall" describes the dilemma first and the cause second. This is another way to explain the same situation however the sentence structure has of course changed.
"There was so much snow you couldn't see a thing ahead" (雪が多すぎて前が何も見えない。)これは、相手に雪がひどくて前方を見るのが大変という意味です。  "It was snowing so intensely, we could barely see the road in front of us"(雪がとてもひどくて、前の道がほとんど見えない。)これは、よく似た例ですが、雪がひどすぎて、運転中に前の道が見えなくて困ることを表しています。 "We couldn't see a thing because of all the snowfall" (雪のせいで何も見えない。)これは、上の例と同じことですが違った言い方で表したものです。
Rada vntkg英会話講師
  • The blizzard made the visibility very low, and I couldn't even see directly in front of me.

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  • The snowstorm was so bad that the visibility was down to zero.

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A blizzard is an occurrence of snow that includes high winds along with heavy snow. Blizzards often make it hard to see right in front of you. A blizzard can also be referred to as a bad snowstorm. The term visibility is often used to indicate the ability to see at certain distances. Having zero visibility means that one would not be able to see things that are directly in front of him/her.
blizzard'(吹雪)は、強風を伴う大雪をいいます。'blizzard' のときは、視界が遮られることが多いです。'blizzard'(吹雪)は 'bad snowstorm' と表すこともできます。'visibility' は「視界/見通し」を表すときによく使われます。'zero visibility' は「視界が全くない」という意味です。
Laurel vntkg英会話講師
  • The snow was falling so heavily I lost clear vision.

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  • It was snowing so hard I couldn't see in front of me.

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  • The snow last night was intense! I couldn't see in front of me!

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Sometimes the weather can be unpredictable, if you get caught in heavy snow and you can't see much in front of you, use the sentences above to express that. Snow can be described as heavy or thick. The word intense explains that it was a lot to take in, that it was a serious situation. If you have snow falling on the windscreen of your car as you are driving, it can get very distracting because it impairs your vision. Driving in the snow can also be dangerous as the roads become slippery. Impair: to weaken or damage
天気は時に予測がつかないことがあります。大雪で目の前が見えないなら、上記の文が使えます。「雪」は 'heavy'(激しい)や 'thick'(厚い)で形容できます。'intense' は「激しい/猛烈な」という意味です。車を運転中に雪が降ると、フロントガラスに雪が落ちて前が見えにくくなり危ないですね。路面も滑りやすいですから、事故が起こる可能性が高くなります。Impair: 弱くする、損なう
Tiyani vntkg英会話講師
  • It was so snowy, I coulkdn't even see a short distance ahead

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  • Itb was snowing so much, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face

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It was snowing so hard, you couldn't see in front of you. You can explain that by using one of the above example statements. Youi coukd describe exactly how bad visibility is impaired by stating how far you can see - as in the =second example.
Ian W vntkg英会話講師
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