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激安 通販 専門店:今時間ありますか?って英語でなんて言うの?

今 時間ありますか?
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2017/06/08 00:57
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  • Do you have time now?

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「時間がありますか」はDo you have the time?と言います。Do you have the time?とtimeの前にtheをつけると「何時ですか」という 意味になりますので気を付けてください。参考になれば幸いです。
  • Are you available now?

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  • Do you have a moment?

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  • Are you free right now?

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Available = free = not doing anythingUsually, in this case, the context of the situation means that you do not have to say, "Now" or "Right now". If the person is able to stop what he is doing temporarily, or has a break, then he may say, "Yes, I'm free." This phrase is something of a cliche in the UK.
Available = free = 何もしていない状態。基本的に、この場合、その状況次第では、NowやRight nowを言う必要ないかもしれません。今やっていることを一時的にやめることができるのなら、Yes I'm freeと言えますし。UKではよく使われます。
Ian W vntkg英会話講師
  • A)Do you have a minute now ?

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  • B)Are you free now ?

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A)Do you have a minute now ? - used to ask someone if you may talk to them for a short timeB)Are you free now ? - do you have some time now? I hope this helps :-)
A)Do you have a minute now ? 今、ちょっとお時間ありますか? は誰かにちょっとした時間があるかどうかを尋ねる質問です。B)Are you free now ? -今、手が空いてますか?do you have some time now? 今、お時間ありますか?参考になると幸いです。
Ilke vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you available now?

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  • Are you free right now?

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  • Are you busy now?

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"Please let me know when you are available" is also a great way to let the person know you are waiting to speak with them as soon as they are available.
"Please let me know when you are available" あなたのお手すきのときに教えてください。 という表現はあなたがその人の手が空いたら話がしたいと待っていると伝えるときに使う表現です。
Kim Ann vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you free now?

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  • Are you busy?

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Are you free now?'free now' - you are inquiring whether or not the person is occupied at that exact moment.If the answer is yes - the person is not busy.If the answer is no - the person is busy.ExampleA: Are you free now?B: No, John. I'm at work.__________________________________________________________________________Are you busy?'busy' - you are asking the person if they are doing somethingIf the answer is yes he/she is doing something.If the answer is no he/she is not doing anything.ExampleA: Are you busy?B: No, John.
Are you free now?今お時間ありますか?'free now' - 今、暇?まさにその時間にその人の手が空いているかどうかを尋ねる答えが yes なら その人は今、忙しくない答えがNOならその人は今、忙しい例A: Are you free now?今、お時間ありますか?B: No, John. I'm at work.いいえ、ジョン、今仕事中です。__________________________________________________________________________Are you busy?忙しい?'busy' - 何かをしていて手が離せない状態答えがyes ならその人は何かをしている状態答えがNOならその人は何もしていない状態例A: Are you busy?忙しいB: No, John. 、いや、ジョン
Denton vntkg英会話講師
  • Have you got time right now?

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  • Can you spare me a moment just now?

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  • Are you available right now?

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If you ask: Have you got time right now? It means you want to know if the person is free right now to do what you want him/her to do.If you ask: Can you spare me a moment just now? It means that the person may be busy on something else, but can he/she just take a moment away in order to do what you want him/her to do?If you ask: Are you available right now? It means that you want to know if he/she does not have anything else to do right now so that he/she can dedicate that time to you.
もし、「Have you got time right now? 」と尋ねると、それは、今やってほしいことをする時間があるかと知りたいということを意味します。もし、「Can you spare me a moment just now?」と尋ねると、それは、その人は忙しいがやってほしいことをすることができるか?ということを意味します。もし、「Are you available right now?」と尋ねると、今やるべきことがなくて、時間をもらえるかどうか知りたいということを意味します。
Teddy Zee vntkg英語講師
  • Are you available?

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  • Are you busy?

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  • Do you have a moment?

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available - free timeAre you busy? - asking if the person is occupied with anything
available-自由時間Are you busy?:何かしていることはないか尋ねる表現です。
Kels vntkg英会話講師
  • Do you have a moment for me?

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  • Sorry to come without an appointment: Do you have a moment for me?

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We can ask if someone has time for using a tried and tested phrase: Do you have a moment for me? this is a well used and common English expression..that is a gentle way of asking for some attention from a colleague. "Sorry to come without an appointment: Do you have a moment for me?"
誰かが私達に時間があるかどうか聞く決まったフレーズがあります。 "Do you have a moment for me?"(お時間ありますか) これはよく使われる共通の英語の表現です。 同僚に聞くにあたって配慮のある聞き方です。 "Sorry to come without an appointment: Do you have a moment for me?" (事前に連絡なしで来てすみません、お時間ありますか。)
Scobie vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you free right now?

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  • Do you have a moment?

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When you are wanting to ask someone if they are available at this moment in time, these are casual and polite ways of asking.A moment is usually referred to a moment in time, more often than not, right now."I'll be with you any moment now, sorry for keeping you waiting".
Jack F vntkg英会話講師
  • Do you have a moment?

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Moment means available time.
Moment とは、時間があるかどうかに使える表現です。
Natsai vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you available now?

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  • Are you free right now?

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  • Do you have some time now?

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"Are you available now?"Available = not busy of free."Are you free right now?"This is a direct and simple question. "Do you have some time now?"This question is really asking if the person has some spare time right now.
"Are you available now?"Available = 忙しくなく時間がある事"Are you free right now?"これはシンプルでわかりやすい質問です。"Do you have some time now?"これで相手に少し時間があるか聞く事ができます。
Jerryann vntkg英会話講師
  • Do you have some free time right now?

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  • Are you available at this moment?

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  • Are you presently free?

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Do you have some free time right now?This is a very straightforward question. You are asking if they have free time. Free time is exactly what is sounds like; spare time or a time that you are available. By asking this question with "right now", you are also specifying that you want to know if the person is free at the exact time you are asking them and thus leaves no room for confusion.Example: "I would love to discuss the meeting with you. Do you have some free time right now?"Are you available at this moment?This is very similar to the previous answer. If you are "available", it means you are able to do something at the moment, because there is nothing else that you have to do; you are free. "At this moment" is the same as "right now". It just refers to the time or moment that you are currently in. By using this question, you are asking if the person is available to talk at the exact time of the conversation. Example: "There is something I need to discuss with you. Are you available at this moment?"Are you presently free?"Presently" means at the current time; in the present; now. When you use this question, you are asking if they are free or available at the present time. Presently is an adverb. Example: "There are some changes to the plan I would like to discuss. Are you presently free?"
Arne vntkg英会話講師
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