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コピー 商品 ブランド:緊急連絡先を教えてくださいって英語でなんて言うの?

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2015/11/20 10:27
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  • Please let me/us know your emergency contact number.

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  • How can I get a contact with you in case of an emergency?

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Please let me/us know your emergency contact number.緊急連絡先を教えてください。How can I get a contact with you in case of an emergency?緊急時はどうすれば連絡できますか?緊急時が "in case of an emergency"です。緊急連絡先は、"emergency contact number" になります。
  • Can I have your emergency contact information?

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緊急 = emergency連絡先 = contact information緊急時に連絡出来る人は居ますか? = Is there anyone you can call/contact in case of an emergency?
  • Can you give me your emergency contacts?

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正確にいうと「Contact number」だったりしますが、「連絡先」という風に「先」と言いたい場合、総称して「contacts」とcontact=連絡するを名詞化した「contacts」と言って「連絡先等」というニュアンスとして使えます。
  • Can I have your emergency contact information?

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  • Could I please have your emergency contact information?

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When asking someone about their emergency contact number, you are essentially asking them for the name and number of their next of kin. The next of kin is the person who you should contact if that person needs help. If you want the information of that person, you could ask, "How can I contact you in case of an emergency".
「emergency contact number(緊急連絡先)」を尋ねるということは、つまりその人の「next of kin(最近親者)」の名前と連絡先を聞いているということです。「next of kin」は、その人に何かあった時に連絡する人のことです。その人の連絡先が知りたいなら、例えば:"How can I contact you in case of an emergency?"(緊急時はどのように連絡を取ったらいいですか)
Kim Ann vntkg英会話講師
  • How can I get in touch with you in case of an emergency?

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  • May I have your emergency contact information?

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The first question is a way of asking for someone's emergency contact information while giving a reason for it, as in, as in an emergency might happen and you need to call this person. The second question is a more polite way to ask for someone's contact information. The word "May" always signifies politeness. Hope this helps!
Zoulfa vntkg英会話講師
  • Please could i have your emergency contact details

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  • Please could i have your emergency contact information

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  • Please let me have your emergency contact number

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You would say 'please' in front to be polite, you could use either details/information or number to ask for the information you require/want 'To let me have' means to be given by someone So the best way to say it is 'Please let me have your emergency contact number'
文頭に「please」を付けると丁寧になります。「情報」は「details」「information」「number」で表せます。「let me have」は「与えて欲しい」という意味です。ですから、一番いい言い方としては:'Please let me have your emergency contact number.'(緊急連絡先を教えてください)
Mia St vntkg英会話講師
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