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ブランド スーパー コピー店舗:ナルシストって英語でなんて言うの?

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2015/12/15 18:30
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  • Narcissist

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「ナルシスト」は和製英語・・・ではありません!英語のnarcissistも同じ意味ですよ。He's a narcissist.彼はナルシストだ。と言えます。ちなみに、narcissism なら「自己愛」という名詞、narcissisticなら「自己陶酔的な」という形容詞、narcissisticallyなら「自己陶酔的に」という副詞になります。- She suffers from narcissism.彼女は自身のナルシシズムに悩んでいる。- He's so narcissistic.彼はとても自己陶酔的だ。- "I'm the best!" he said, narcissistically.「自分最高!」と彼は自己陶酔的に言った。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • 1. He's really up his own ass. ('He' is used for example purposes)

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  • 2. He thinks a lot of himself.

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  • 3. He really loves himself.

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These are typical phrases. You could also say: 'A narcissist' - someone who is self-centered, egotistical, self-absorbed.1. Slang. This is highly critical of such a person.2. This is an observation which can range from indifferent to highly critical depending on tone and stress of the voice.3. As 2.A: "Why's James always going to the bathroom?"B: "He's always checking his hair. He really loves himself!"A: "Yes, I noticed he's really up his own ass."
これらは典型的なフレーズです。「ナルシシスト」 とも言えますね。- 自己中心的、自己中心的、自己吸収型の誰かのことを言うこともできます。1.スラング。これは、そのような人に対して非常に批判的な表現です。2.これはその人を観察した意見ですが、語勢の音色に応じて、自分のそれに対する無関心も重大さも表すことができます。3. As 2。A:"Why's James always going to the bathroom?"「Jamesはいつもトイレに行くの?B:"He's always checking his hair. He really loves himself!"「彼いつも自分の髪をチェックしている。本当に自分大好き人間!A:"Yes, I noticed he's really up his own ass."「ああ、彼は本当にナルシストだよね。」
Ian W vntkg英会話講師
  • Conceited

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  • He thinks he is __________

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一言でいうとConceited 「うぬぼれ」です。He is so conceited 彼はナルシストです。もしくはHe thinks he's a ____ 彼は__だと思い込んでるConceitedは意外とネガティブな言葉なので使い方は注意しましょう。
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Narcissist

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  • So full of himself...what a complete narcissist!

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It's a recognised medical condition when its taken to extremes:-D Being a huge Egoist or Narcissist can lead to social problems including loneliness. People are not normally so in love with themselves and can be disliked deeply. So full of himself. What a complete narcissist!
極端になると、それは医学的治療が必要な状態と認識されます。 ひどいエゴイストやナルシシストになることは孤独を含め社会問題を引き起こし得ます。人は自分自身を愛しすぎてひどく嫌われることは普通あまりありません。 例文:"So full of himself. What a complete narcissist!" (本当にいい気になっているよ。相当なナルシストですね。)
Scobie vntkg英会話講師
  • Egotistical

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  • Egomaniacal

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These words are very extreme versions of someone who thinks very well of himself. They both evoke images of someone who is so self-centered that they hurt other people. I hope you don't know anyone like that! Have a great day! :D
Myriah vntkg英会話講師
  • He is arrogant beyond belief.

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  • He is really up himself.

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Beyond belief, means that you cannot believe how much he likes himself. Up himself, means he thinks a lot of himself, more than he should.
「Beyond belief」とは自分がどれくらい好きかわからないほど好きであることを意味します。「Up himself」とは、必要以上に自分のことばかり考えていることを意味します。
JimmyK vntkg英会話講師
  • Narcissist

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  • Narcissistic

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  • Narcissism

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Narcissist (noun)/ Narcissists (plural noun)Narcissistic (adjective)Narcissism (noun)This is a person who has an excessive interest in themselvesExample:A: Susan is always talking about herselfB: She is a narcissist Susan is narcissisticNarcissism is a negative characteristic.
Narcissist (noun)/ Narcissists (plural noun)Narcissist(名詞)/Narcissists(複数形)Narcissistic (adjective)Narcissistic(形容詞)Narcissism (noun)This is a person who has an excessive interest in themselvesNarcissism(名詞)。自己陶酔型。Example:A: Susan is always talking about herselfB: She is a narcissist ≪例文≫A. スーザンはいつも自分のことばかり話している。B. 彼女はナルシストなんだよ。Susan is narcissistic≪例文≫スーザンはナルシストだ。Narcissism is a negative characteristic.≪例文≫ナルシズムは、ネガティブな特徴だ。
Denton vntkg英会話講師
  • Arrogant

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  • Pompous

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*Arrogant/Pompous. - Refers to a person who feels highly of himself/herself. The opposite is a humble or modest person. Example Sentences: He was so arrogant the moment he walked into the office everyone walked away. She's so pompous only talks to people who wear designer clothes.
“Arrogant/Pompous”(傲慢な)これは、自分自身を高く感じている人のことを表します。反対語は、”humble”/”modest”と言います。例文“He was so arrogant at the moment he walked into the office that everyone walked away.”(彼はオフィスに入った瞬間とても傲慢だったので、みんな出て行きました。)“She’s so pompous only talks to people who wear designer clothes.”(彼女はとても気取っていて、ブランドの服を着ている人としか話しません。)
Natsai vntkg英会話講師
  • That person is a narcissist.

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  • That person is vain.

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  • That person is into themselves.

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The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that someone thinks they are cool and they love themselves. In the third sentence you will notice the term into oneself. This means to be obsessed with oneself. This is a term that is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
Jessica Lynn vntkg英会話講師
  • He is such a narcissist!

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  • He is quite full of himself.

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When calling someone a "narcissist", you are saying that they think they are the best and that they are in love with themselves. This word comes from a story about a man whose name is Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection and died staring at himself. You could also say that he/she is full of himself/herself. This sentence has the same effect as the first one. Thank you for your question!
Janke vntkg英会話講師
  • narcissist

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「ナルシスト」は、英語なので、そのままnarcissistです。文で言うなら、He is a narcissist.「彼はナルシストだ」のように言います(*^_^*)あるいは、文でHe thinks he is smart.「彼は自分のことを賢いと思っている」He thinks he is handsome.「彼は自分のことをハンサムだと思っている」のように説明しても良いでしょう♪以上です。少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • 1. Vain (adjective)

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  • 2. Full of oneself (expression)

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  • 3. Egotistic (adjective) / Egotistical (adjective)

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1. This may be used as a synonym for "narcissistic", the adjective form of "narcissist"2. Expression: Used to express that a person thinks highly of themselves. 3. These two terms can be used as adjectives to describe someone who is conceited and absorbed in themselves. IE) They are overconfident and arrogant.
Cammie vntkg英会話講師
  • Narcissist

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  • Self-obsessed

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The most academic word that we can call for someone who loves themselves a lot or thinks highly of themselves, more in a obsessed way, can be called a, "Narcissist."Another word we can use is, "self-obsessed," because it expresses that they care or love themselves a lot, maybe even a little too much!
Jonathan B vntkg英会話講師
  • narcissist

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  • He loves himself too much.

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  • conceited

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ナルシストは英語で、narcissistです。発音は、“ナァスィスィスト”で、Sの音が連続します。カタカナ英語にならないよう、気を付けましょう。ナルシストとは、自己愛の強い人、自分が大好きな人のことなので、love oneself という言い方もできます。こちらもよく使うので、覚えておくといいですよ。また、「ナルシスト」というのは英語からの外来語なので、直訳したら簡単に「narcissist」になります。「Narcissist」の言葉を使ったら、英語圏の相手は必ず意味を分かりますが、同じ意味がある言葉は多いので、そちらも教えて行きたいです。他の言い方は:cockyfull of himself/herselfarrogantselfishself-centeredpretentiousconceited例文He is so self-centered!彼はとても自己中心的だ!She is always so conceited.彼女はいつも威張っている。Every time we pass by a mirror, he looks at his reflection. What a narcissist!いつも鏡の前に通る常に彼が自分を見ている。超ナルシストだね!
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