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ブランド レプリカ:朝めっちゃ早起き出来る?って英語でなんて言うの?

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2016/08/22 14:37
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  • Can you get up super early?

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  • We will need to get up very early. Is that okay?

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・Can you get up super early? めっちゃ早く起きれる?very や so の代わりに super を使うともっとカジュアルな表現になります。・We will need to get up very early. Is that okay? すごく早起きしないといけないけど大丈夫?文脈的にはこちらの2つ目の例文の方が自然かなと思いました。
  • Can you wake up really early in the morning?

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  • You can certainly wake up early in the morning, can't you?

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質問の仕方で、あなたの心情を表すことができます。Can you wake up really early in the morning?あなた朝とても早いけど、起きれる?(話し手の気持ち →あなた本当に起きれるかしら?)You can certainly wake up really early in the morning, can't you? あなた朝すごい早いけど起きれるよね?(話しての気持ち→あなた早く起きれるでしょ!・・・大丈夫よね!お〜!!)っといったようなニュアンスです。
Miyako あなたの最高な自分を引き出す Life English coach 世界冒険家
  • Will you be able to get up so early?

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  • Will you have trouble any waking up?

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  • Will you need me to give you a call to wake up so early?

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It depends exactly what the function of your query is? Are you worried your friend may not be able to wake up because they sleep heavily? Are you worried that they are unreliable and may change their mind and not bother waking up? Are you worried their alarm will go off but they will fall back to sleep again? The best bet is to be proactive and offer to give your friend a call to be sure they are getting up - in fact, best solution is to call them anyway - it seems you already have doubts!
Ian W vntkg英会話講師
  • At " the crack of dawn"

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  • Can you to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow? We need a really early start!

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At the "Crack of Dawn" is an age old agage...referring to very early mornings! We can ask our friend to remember to set his /her alarm.. ブランドスーパーコピー we need to be up "super-early" "Bright & Early" or the old adage: Can you be up at the crack of dawn?
"Crack of Dawn" とは、夜明けのことを指します。ものすごく早く起きないといけないので、友達に、目覚まし時計をセットするように伝えないといけませんね。Can you be up at  the crack of dawn?早起きできる?
Scobie vntkg英会話講師
  • Can you wake up very early tomorrow morning?

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1. Can you wake up very early tomorrow morning? This question is asking the person if they are able to wake up early tomorrow morning.
1.(英文) Can you wake up very early tomorrow morning?(訳)明日朝はやく起きれますか。 これは相手が次の日に朝はやく起きれるか尋ねています。
Jerryann vntkg英会話講師
  • I want to be there by dawn. Is that too early for you?

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  • I want to be there by dawn. Can you be up by then?

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Is that too early for you? - one way to ask this is by asking whether the time is too early for someone Can you be up by then? - "to be up" is the same as to be awake e.g. We're leaving at noon. Can you be up by then, or is that too early for you?
Is that too early for you? - その時間がその人にとって早すぎるかどうかを聞くことができます。 Can you be up by then? - "to be up"は、to be awake(起きる)と同じです。 【例文】We're leaving at noon. Can you be up by then, or is that too early for you?(お昼に出発するよ。それまでに起きれる?それともそれでは早すぎる?)
Chantelle vntkg英会話講師
  • Can you be up by 6 a.

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  • Can we go to the Fish market first thing tomorrow morning.

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*Can you be up by 6 am. This is a more specific way of telling them. At least they will know what time they should wake up. *Can we go to the Fish market first thing tomorrow morning. This is a more general way of asking them but you may need to tell them the exact time so that they know what time they should wake up.
*(英文)Can you be up by 6 am.(訳)六時までに起きてくれる?これは何時に起きるか伝えてるためより具体的です。 *(英文)Can we go to the Fish market first thing tomorrow morning.(訳)私たちは明日朝一番に魚市場にいけますか? これは一般的な文ですが時間をいうことでより具体的にする必要があるかもしれません。
Natsai vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you okay to wake up really early in the morning?

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  • Can you wake up really early in the morning?

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If you would like to ask someone if they can wake up early in the morning, you can say something like "Are you okay to wake up really early in the morning?" or "Can you wake up really early in the morning?". These are some easy ways to ask someone this.
Kharina vntkg英会話講師
  • Are you OK to wake up very early?

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  • How are you at waking up really early?

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  • I want to get to the market by dawn, can you get up that early?

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"Are you OK to wake up very early?" is a casual way to ask someone if waking up early will be alright with them. "OK" is a term we use a lot to refer to feeling alright about a thing. "How are you at waking up really early?" is a little more general - this asks the general feeling someone has about waking up and whether they are good at it, or whether they really struggle and prefer not to. An answer to this could be - "I'm great at waking up really early!" or "I'm not good at waking up really early." To be very specific, we can also use the reason in the beginning of the question - "I want to get to the market by dawn, can you get up that early?". Note: You can also use the verbal phrase "get up" instead of "wake up", which means 'getting out of bed'.
Claire L vntkg英会話講師
  • Can you wake up before the sun rises?

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  • Can you wake up at the crack of dawn?

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  • Can you wake up when the birds do?

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Can is a transitive verb that means permitted or able to do something, most often used in a question rather than a command. You relates to yourself, the person you are talking too or the speaker, or any person in general that is not the person using the word. Wake up is when a person open their eyes after being asleep and get's out of bed.When refers to the time that something took place, is usually an adverb but it is also used as a conjunction/ a joining word.Before refers to the time in the past up to when the event you are next describing takes place/or happens.The is a joining word, but also a determiner so we know that it refers to one or more things already mentioned or assumed that the reader has common knowledge of it.Sun is the ball of boiling hot gas that burns continuously millions of miles away in our solar system the milky way and sustains life on this planet. Rises refers to something coming up, moving from a lower position to a higher one. (although with our planet earth being a sphere/a globe this is only an illusion.)At is another joining word or conjunction word that refers to where something is or where about's they or it is located. Crack does not only mean when something is broken it is also used to describe the first light in the morning known as daybreak, the crack of dawn explains this.Of is another joining word/a conjunction word that explains the relationship between the part and the whole of something to or how something or more usually how someone relates, fits in with something else.Dawn relates to the sun rising....When relates to the time something happens at.Birds refers to animals that have wings, most of which fly unless they happen to be too heavy such as an ostrich of birds that tend to "fly in the water" like penguins...they are able to fly but their habitat and weight makes that more unlikely, depending on the species. Birds also communicate via beautiful musical note and do this most often in the morning at day break which is where the saying comes from.Do means to perform an action, the meaning of which is not specified.
Kimberlina vntkg英会話講師
  • I want to be there at dawn, can you be up that early?

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  • Are you an early riser? Id liked to be at the fish market by dawn.

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  • Will you be able to get up before dawn tomorrow morning?

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Dawn is when the sun is just rising in the morning as the day is about to begin.If you ask someone if they are an early riser, it means that you are asking them do they get up early in a morning.If you want someone to wake up early in the morning, you should ask them:- Will you be able to get up before dawn tomorrow morning?
Lucy G vntkg英会話講師
  • Can you wake up super early?

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  • Are you able to wake up super early?

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  • We need to wake up super early tomorrow.

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The first two examples are two different ways that we can ask the question of someone's capability or, "to be able to (can)," to do something. The last example is simply stating that you need to wake up tomorrow very early.
Jonathan B vntkg英会話講師
  • We have to be up at the crack of dawn.

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  • We have to be up with the birds.

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1. We have to be up at the crack of dawn.The crack of dawn means very, very early. It literallyrefers to that exact moment when the sun starts appearing above the horizon.2. We have to be up with the birds.This idiomatic expression also means getting up super early as birds are active very early in the morning. The chirping and singing of birds early in the morning is called the "dawn chorus".
Shams vntkg英会話講師
  • Can you wake up super early?

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ご質問ありがとうございます。・「Can you wake up super early?」=朝めっちゃ早起き出来る?(例文)Can you wake up super early?// Yeah, I'm a morning person.(訳)朝めっちゃ早起き出来る?//うん、私朝型だよ。単語:wake up 起きるお役に立てれば嬉しいです。Coco
  • Can you wake up super early?

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ご質問ありがとうございます。・「Can you wake up super early?」(意味)朝めっちゃ早起き出来る?<例文>Can you wake up super early? I'm planning to leave at 5.<訳>朝めっちゃ早起き出来る?5時には出かけようと思ってる。参考になれば幸いです。
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