vntkg英会話 ブログ 英語を学ぼう 表現&フレーズ







抹茶と緑茶はどちらも基本的には英語で green tea といいます。

しかし、 green tea だと区別がつきにくいため、緑茶は loose leaf green tea抹茶はそのまま matcha と呼ばれることが多いです。

例えば、アメリカのカフェに行った際によく目にするのが、 green tea matcha latte というような表記です。カフェなどで普通に green tea を頼むと、緑茶が出てくるので注意しましょう。


  • 抹茶|matcha/green tea matcha
  • 緑茶|green tea/loose leaf green tea





Matcha is a particular type of powdered green tea from Japan.

Loose-leaf green tea and matcha are actually made from the same type of tea leaves. But the tea leaves used for matcha have a dark green color, a more robust flavor, and a lot more nutrients.

Despite its recent increase in popularity around the world, matcha was actually the original method of tea consumption in Japan.

Unlike most teas (like tea bags) which are infused into water, then removed before drinking, matcha powder is mixed directly into (hot) water. This makes matcha unique in the world of tea.

Matcha has a powerful flavor and plenty of health benefits, and it has been used as a medication.











Japanese monks would often travel to China to learn Buddhism from Chinese monks.

*ここで使われる would は used to と同じ働きをしています。よって、「昔はよく〜したものだ」というニュアンスがあります。

In addition to bringing Buddhist knowledge back to Japan, they often brought back tea as well as the method of making matcha.

*In addition to で「〜に加えて」という意味があります。

That’s how Japanese tea culture started and spread across the country.
In 1191, a monk by the name Eisai, who introduced Zen Buddhism to Japan during the Kamakura period, brought back tea seeds from China and planted them.
It was at the Kozanji temple where Japanese monks began cultivating tea on their own for the first time.
At the time, tea leaves were ground into powder and mixed into water.
Although many people would think that matcha came from Japan by its Japanese-like name, it actually came from China.
While the early tea ceremonies were just an excuse for the wealthy to showcase their rare teas and utensils, a man is known as Sen no Rikyu came along during the Azuchi-Momotama period. He had more humble visions and held a tea ceremony called 'Wabi-cha' that values the spirit of “Wabi”.

*come along with には「〜と出くわす」というニュアンスがあります。




  • matcha|抹茶
  • hot water|お湯
  • spouted matcha bowl|抹茶茶碗
  • matcha whisk|茶せん
  • (bamboo) tea scoop|茶杓
  • teacup or small bowl|お湯を入れる茶碗
  • tenugui/hand towel|手拭い





  1. First, pour hot water into a matcha bowl to let it warm up. Putting a matcha whisk in the bowl is a key to making great-tasting matcha.
  2. When the matcha bowl is warmed up, throw away the water in the bowl.
  3. Dry the matcha bowl with a hand towel (tenugui).
  4. Using a bamboo tea-scoop, put one and a half scoops of matcha into the warmed matcha bowl.
  5. Pour 60 milliliters of hot water into the small bowl or teacup and add it to the matcha bowl. Pouring water onto the edge of the matcha bowl is the key.
  6. Slowly mix it in a circular motion with a matcha whisk until the matcha powder and hot water are perfectly blended.
  7. Once it’s blended, whisk vigorously back and forth until a thick foamy layer appears. For the best froth, avoid whisking in a circular motion.
    「馴染んだら、勢いよく縦に前後させ厚めの泡のレイヤーができるまで泡立てます。良い泡を作るためには、円を描くように混ぜるのを避けてください」*back and forth は「行ったり来たり」という意味です。
  8. You will know it's ready to serve if you can see the foam building up when you lift the whisk from the middle of the matcha bowl.




  1. A matcha bowl will be placed in front of you, outside the edge of the border of the tatami mat.
  2. At that time, you must put both hands on your lap, placing the right hand over the left.
  3. With your right hand, place the bowl in front of you while holding the bowl diagonally to the left of your body, which is the inside edge of the tatami mat border.
  4. Do a "Gyo", a semi-formal bow, and say "Osakini", which means "excuse me for taking tea before you".
  5. Now do a "Shin", or formal, bow and say "otemae choudai itashimasu", which means "thank you for the tea".
  6. Pick up the matcha bowl with your right hand and support it with your left palm.
  7. Raise the matcha bowl, bowing slightly in an expression of gratitude.
  8.  Rotate the matcha bowl twice clockwise with your right hand to avoid the front.
  9. Drink the tea a couple of times and slurp on your last sip.
  10. After finishing the tea, wipe the part of the rim that you drank from with your right thumb and forefinger, left to right.
  11. Wipe your fingers with kaishi paper and rotate the bowl twice counterclockwise so that the front faces you.
  12. Place the bowl in front of your knees, outside the tatami mat border.
  13. Place both hands on the tatami mat and take a close look at the whole shape of the bowl again.
  14. Pick up the bowl with both hands, but not very high, and examine it.
  15. Take the bowl with your right hand and place it in front of you.
  16. Turn the bowl so that the front faces the host and place your hands on the floor.
  17. Return it to where the host set it out or wait until someone comes to pick it up.





