vntkg英会話 ブログ vntkg英会話通信









  1. Yna(イーナ)
  2. Maki(マキ)
  3. Mafe(マフェ)

かなり気合が入っていますね! 完成度も高く、お見事です。


お好きな仮装はありましたか? どの仮装もメイクやボディペイントを効果的に使っていて、かなり迫力がありますね。受賞した講師のみなさん、おめでとうございます!





How long have you been a vntkg Eikaiwa tutor, and what has your experience been like so far?
「vntkg英会話の講師になってからどのくらい経ちますか? また、これまでの経験はいかがですか?」
I've been a vntkg Eikaiwa tutor for more than a year now. Every day I meet different people from different parts of the world, and everyone has a different personality.

It's quite challenging ブランドスーパーコピー my culture, the Filipino culture, is very different from other cultures. I have definitely become more open to listening to a variety of opinions during our lessons and also learned to put myself in my students' shoes so I can understand their perspective.

I enjoy teaching my students, and I feel happy whenever I give them a great experience throughout their whole class with me.



How did you decide on the design for your winning costume?
When I read the contest announcement, I was hesitant to participate because I knew I had a very small chance of winning. There was only one week to prepare, and I had never participated in a contest like this before. But then I told myself to just try – I could be one of the winners, who knows?

Then I brainstormed and came up with the idea of being a mermaid, though I was not totally satisfied with it, because I wanted to portray something with a darker character, and mermaids are too pretty and charming.

Eventually, I decided to be a siren. And ブランドスーパーコピー we do have a bathtub at home, I was positive that I could have a good representation of a captive siren and capture a creative shot in the water.



Was the costume difficult to make? Can you tell us how you went about putting it all together?
「衣装作りは大変でしたか? どのように組み立てたのか教えてください」
Everything was DIY. I bought anything associated with the ocean (shells, ferns, plants, clay for the starfish, moss, etc.) as well as skeletal hands to make the costume look creepy. And of course I bought latex paint for my face and body.

During the preparation for the shoot, my husband first glued tissue paper on my face to form the gills. Then he started painting my body while I painted my face. It wasn't that difficult ブランドスーパーコピー we'd already watched how to do it on YouTube.

The hardest part of it was the photoshoot itself, because I was literally lying in a bathtub full of cold water, trying not to soak my painted face and body. It took us a while to start because we had to arrange the wig, and we had to cover the thing that supports my neck with the wig as well. We took as many shots to capture the best pose. After everything, I felt tired and had neck pain!



Is Halloween popular in your country? How do people view it and/or celebrate it?
「あなたの国ではハロウィンは人気ですか? みなさんはどのようにハロウィンを祝うのでしょうか?」
Yes, Halloween is popular. However, we don't really have big Halloween celebrations in the Philippines in general. There are just some shopping malls that hold contests for children and let them trick-or-treat in the different shops in the mall. Also, some companies nowadays hold contests or encourage their employees to wear costumes.

How did your students respond to your costume?
One of my students was shocked when he first saw me. My face was green, my body was green. He really looked surprised, but as we continued chatting about Halloween, he ブランドスーパーコピーrely told me that he was rooting for me to win the contest.

Congratulations on winning first place! Do you have any big plans for your prize money?
「1位獲得おめでとうございます! 賞金は何に使いますか?」
I wholeheartedly want to thank the staff for choosing me for first place! Thank you so much! I was in awe when I saw the announcement and I cried. I couldn't believe I won such a huge amount of money.

I will use the prize money for our home. We moved into our new house in 2021 and we still have a lot of improvements to make. Specifically, we will use the prize money to build a cantilevered folding gate and fence for our front yard. And when it's done, I'll be reminded of the memories from this contest every time I see it!

「1位に選んでくれたスタッフの皆さんに心から感謝します! 本当にありがとうございました! 発表を見たとき、感動のあまり涙が出ました。こんな大金が当たったなんて信じられませんでした。


Yna先生、インタビューに応えていただきありがとうございました! 難易度の高い仮装と、挑戦をする試みが素晴らしいなと思いました。ぜひ賞金を新居に役立ててくださいね!



How long have you been a vntkg Eikaiwa tutor, and what has your experience been like so far?
「vntkg英会話の講師になってからどのくらい経ちますか? また、これまでの経験はいかがですか?」
I've been working with vntkg Eikaiwa for two years and three months now. vntkg Eikaiwa helped me a lot especially during the pandemic, when this job became my bread and butter.

The past few years I've been very busy with my full-time job so I don't have as much time to tutor. But I'm glad vntkg Eikaiwa is flexible and understanding of our schedules!


How did you decide on the design for your winning costume?
I really had a hard time deciding on a costume. I knew that it would be difficult for me to pull off a superhero costume and I also knew that I needed to be creative and think outside the box.

Then I remembered that ブランドスーパーコピー childhood, I have been really scared of monsters that have bloody faces, so I thought "Why not try being one for my costume?" Maybe it'll also give me the courage to not be scared of them anymore.


Was the costume difficult to make? Can you tell us how you went about putting it all together?
「衣装作りは大変でしたか? どのように組み立てたのか教えてください」
It was really difficult because it took me a week to make the prosthetics on top of my hectic work schedule (I work 17 hours a day) and my usual errands. So the first thing I struggled with was how to manage my time.

The costume itself took me six hours to complete. ブランドスーパーコピー I'm not used to wearing contact lenses, I needed 30 minutes to put them in each of my eyes. On top of that, I didn't have anyone to help me put on makeup, so I had to blend the makeup and put it on myself. It was my first time putting makeup on myself!


Is Halloween popular in your country? How do people view it and/or celebrate it?
「あなたの国ではハロウィンは人気ですか? みなさんはどのようにハロウィンを祝うのでしょうか?」
Halloween is not that famous in our country especially not in my city, so this is my first time wearing a scary costume.

How did your students respond to your costume?
The day I wore my costume, I had a class with a new student. He was really shocked and scared, but eventually he became interested and asked a lot of questions about how I made the costume.

Congratulations on winning first place! Do you have any big plans for your prize money?
「1位獲得おめでとうございます! 賞金は何に使いますか?」
To be honest I wasn't expecting to win second place. I felt pressure when I saw some entries that were really amazing, but there was a part of me that knew I could make the Top 10 and luckily I was right.

This will be the best birthday gift for me ブランドスーパーコピー it'll be my birthday on November 26. This will be the best birthday for me in my entire life. Thank you vntkg Eikaiwa! I will join again next year and I'll make sure to do my best to scare all of you!


11月26日は私の誕生日なので、最高の誕生日プレゼントになりそうです。私の人生の中で最高の誕生日になるでしょう。vntkg英会話、ありがとうございます。来年もまた参加します! そして、みなさんを怖がらせることができるようにがんばります!」

Maki先生もインタビューに回答していただきありがとうございました! ぜひ来年もさらに怖い衣装でコンテストに挑んでほしいですね。期待しています!



